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Monday, October 25, 2010

Continued Reflection

I have truly enjoyed my experiences at University Elementary School and I feel like I continue to learn more about myself as well as who I want to be. Not only are the children learning from me but I am learning from them. Children are extremely smart and I will constantly be learning day to day from each and everyone of the students in my class. This last week, I was able to watch my class engage in a Red Cross presentation on water safety. They were all extremely respectful and engaged in the questions that were being asked. The stories and answers they responded with made me smile. After the presentation, I was able to participate in a spelling/handwriting contest. These students are only in fourth grade and their handwriting was so incredible. I think this comes from their teachers in the past and their teacher now as well as work they may receive at home. It makes me so excited to become a teacher and be able to have this success with my students. They wanted to win and they wanted to succeed. They all put their best into their handwriting and their skills amazed me.
In our writing class, it was nice being able to have different stations to work on our MGRP. I am so anxious to use different genres with my piece because I feel as though I can portray the same idea in so many different ways and this class period was a great way to show that. I had so much fun working at these stations and seeing what my classmates had done as well.
I am also learning in each of my classes. Through the group work we do or the discussions we have, I am learning and seeing what I would like to take with me and use as a teacher. I am so excited to teach in my own classroom and make a difference in my students lives!


Linda Coggin said...

Isn't it great that your classes (and field experience) are complementing each other!

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