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Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I have truly enjoyed my experiences in my classes as well as my class at University. I loved being able to see the writer's workshop taking place. I was really happy because the little girl I had challenged me. She had an extremely hard time trying to choose something to write about. I would give her idea after idea and she continued to decline. It was nice to be able to listen to her stories and hear her talk but it was definitely tough for me to get her to stay on task and remain focused. I know that I will have many children like that in my own class so it was a great experience for me. I kept giving her more choices and we finally came up with some to put on her list that I think were great for her.

I also enjoyed this past week and being able to work on our MGRP project. Having my partners read my paper really helped me and I was able to add more and take out some after meeting with them. I also enjoyed our newspaper activity because it gave me so really good ideas for my own genres. I look forward to adding some creativity to my project as well as getting my topic across. It was a great experience for me!


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