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Monday, November 29, 2010

Class Conclusion

I can't believe this semester is coming to an end. Through everything we have done, it has been a great class experience and I feel as though I have learned more about myself and who I am. I have regained my passion for writing and expressing myself in different ways. I have learned about different stages of writing that will be extremely useful when I am in my classroom and I have learned more about who I want to be when I am in the classroom.
I enjoyed this last week in class because the spirit in the classroom was so high. You could tell that everyone was so ready for break and so happy that we were almost done for awhile. I love the group I sit with and get to work with because we all have so much fun. It's nice being able to sit with people that you enjoy and that you feel comfortable working with. Just like in an elementary classroom, if you don't feel comfortable then you won't want to share and my friends make me feel comfortable about my writing, ideas, and where I am in on my journey. I am excited that we decided to work on Christmas for our digital story. Christmas is definitely the most wonderful time of the year and the girls I work with share my excitement about the holiday. We were able to include some of our favorite things about Christmas and even pictures from our own families. I am anxious to work on it more and finish it up because I think everyone will enjoy what we have.
I am very excited to work on publishing my final piece from my writer's notebook. I have decided to take a bit of what I have been doing all semester which is writing about me; writing about my life, my ups, my downs, my challenges, my struggles and turning that into an ABC children book. I have always wanted to write a children's book so this is giving me a great opportunity. Since it's about my life though, it's just something that I maybe would show in my classroom and read a few things from it and then we could make our own in our class. Depending on my class, I could give each student a letter and we could make our own talking about each of their own lives or we could even work on one individually. It's a great project that I think children would enjoy. I have had fun and I hope it all turns out.
I am happy with my progress and I am happy with this semester. I look forward to taking what I've learned and applying it into the classroom.


Linda Coggin said...

Lindsey- I've enjoyed reading your thoughtful reflections.

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