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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Reading like a Writer

I truly do enjoy this class! It is so much fun and I find that it is going to be something that I will get the most out of. I will be taking everything I learn into my classroom someday and I like that. Some classes I feel like I'm just doing busy work-which I hate! I think that reading like a writer is a great way to open our minds and explore new ways of thinking. We discover new techniques, vocabulary, and words that can make our writing better. It helped me in knowing ways to engage my audience when I'm writing by things such as descriptive words and illustrations.
I am very anxious to start working with my partners and collaborate on our writers notebook. I think this will be very beneficial for all of us! I also enjoyed reading through our craft lesson book! This is definitely one that I will keep with me for a long time! I am excited to see the different lessons that are out there!


Linda Coggin said...

I too am excited about the writing partnerships. I know I will learn from you all too!

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