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Monday, September 13, 2010

Creativity at the Core

This class was so much fun! I already enjoy journaling and writing about anything that is boggling me or if I need to vent about my frustrations or irritations but now I have a writers notebook that defines me and who I am for people to see. I thought that finding images from magazines was such a great way to explore a new way of telling someone who we are. It's a great way for someone to look at our notebook and see that we like the color purple or daisies. It gives more insight into who we are and I truly enjoyed doing that.
I enjoyed reading Writers Notebook. I thought it was a cute, fun book and it wasn't what I expected. It talked about all the different ways we can use our notebook and it gave me some ideas. I love writing about memories but I have found myself since last class writing more about what is going on around me. I find some really interesting conversations or lack there of going on around me.
On another note, I love spelling. However, for me being 27 and having a 3 year old of my own, I was probably taught spelling than some of my other classmates. We always had a list and a test of Friday. Somtimes are tests were even timed, which always gave the class pressure. I remember always going home and practicing and trying to memorize my words and I loved it. I was always in class spelling bees and even in middle school came in the top 10. The ways we teach spelling now though have changed, which I think is a good thing. I think every teacher should know their students and focus on each of their individual needs and come up with a strategy that way. Not every student is going to learn the same way and it's our job to reach them on their level. I look forward to meeting each one of my student's needs and coming up with my own creative, fun strategies for my classroom.


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